Monday, February 25, 2013

Installing Plastic Window Insulation

Not all home improvement projects will break the bank. Insulation Denver CO home owners will tell you, is important to the comfort of your home. Window insulation is easy, very cheap and effective. Window insulation film is carried in most hardware stores and fits almost any window. This product is a heat-shrink film that is stretched over the interior side on a window frame to block drafts.

If you decide to insulate your windows using plastic film, you'll need to choose which window to use this method on carefully. The windows you seal using this method cannot be opened after the film is applied. If you only have one window in your kitchen, you should not insulate it with film in case it needs to be opened due to a small kitchen fire, or burnt food. Also, if you don't plan on removing the Denver insulation after winter, it is important to keep windows on opposite sides of your home uninsulated so that you can open them to enable a cross breeze during nice weather.

After deciding on which windows you'll insulate, you need to gather supplies. For this project you need a window film kit (or more if you wish to insulate multiple windows), tape measure, scissors and a blow dryer.

Step One: Prepare the Window
Clean the window frame with soapy water and then wipe it dry. Allow for additional drying time, if needed. After the window has dried enough, apply the adhesive tape included in the window insulation kit.

Step Two: Cut the Insulating Film
Measure the exact dimensions of the window and add one inch to each side. Then cut the insulating film to these dimensions. Repeat this process for any additional windows you wish to insulate.

Step Three: Apply the Insulating Film
Start by applying the top corner of the plastic. Attach the insulating film to the adhesive tape and smooth out any wrinkles using your hands or a Popsicle stick.

Step Four: Blow Dry to Seal
Use your blow dryer to seal the insulation into place. Blow warm air around the border of the window frame and then go back to fix any wrinkles. Don't let the blow dryer touch the plastic or it will melt the material.

Window insulation film can be easily removed when summer begins and until then will prevent any drafts from leaking cold air into the house. This quick weekend project will help you save energy and reduce heating bills. Although this is not a permanent fix, it is a great and cost effective solution to leaky windows. If leaks persist, you should call a home energy audit professional or a window repair contractor. Any of these Denver insulation companies will be able to assess and permanently fix the issue.


  1. Great steps you've shared for installing plastic window insulation, insulation is really a great thing for homes, it can keep them warm in winters and cool in summer, insulation on windows are really important because home should not have air leakage for working home insulation properly. :)


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